मंगळवार, १८ जानेवारी, २०२२

Last Year : Highlights

The new year should welcome by having self-reflection on what to keep from last year? What to drop from last year? And what to create new in the new year? This is the way I made my resolution last year. The year 20-- was the year of `consistency and perspective building. Last year I did lots of new things. I want to share these things with all of you because I believe in the value of "sharing". I am sharing major highlights of the year 20--. I believe that it will definitely help readers. 

Major Highlights of the year 20--

1. Mental Well Being.

A. Meditation - 

I am vipassi; I have done 10 days course of Vipassana. In 2020, I decided to do 15-20 minutes of meditation daily. I followed it religiously. It helped me to kick start my day with positive vibes.  Now I am doing meditation of 20 minutes (Morning+Evening) daily. Spiritual life will always be complimentary to your professional and personal life. 

B. Sleeping hours

I have improved my sleeping cycles by changing my lifestyle. I regularised my mealtime. In 2021, I had a rigorous timetable of meals and sleep. I used to go to bed at 10.00 pm and get up at 5.30 pm. 

C. Reading

No one can deny the importance of reading. Few books have built perspective and got food for thoughts. The book 'Sapiens' by Yuval Noah Harari made me realize the human-ness and opened the doors to seeing anthropology's new aspects. I read "Think like a monk" by Jay Shetty, exploring Monk's connection with ordinary people. This book insists you think on Minimalism way of life. One more book that made this year meaningful is  Atomic Habits by James Clear. It helped me to regularize a few good habits. Achyut Godbole's "Manat" (Marathi book) has opened the door to the world of Psychology.  Apart from these books, I also read articles and the journal of Child Psychology. 

Self Reflection 

A new habit developed last year. I inculcated a practice of journaling important events of life. Most of the time, it involves lots of self-reflection. It led me to do my own SWOT analysis... It helped me a lot in my professional as well as personal life.

2. physical well being


Health is wealth...  This is not just a famous quote but a way of life. I have followed a strict timetable for doing physical exercise. I was doing 5 hours of exercise in a week. I have reduced my weight from 80 kg to 73 kg. 

Food habits

I used to eat anything. I had no control over overeating. It caused me severe acidity as well as breathing issues. In 2021, I intentionally changed my food habit. I remember there hardly 4-5 times I ate outside food Since September 2021. Regularized food timings helped me to have balance food. I am using mud pots for cooking food.

Panchakarma Therapy

I am using maximum chemical-free content in my body. Through Panchkarma, I detox my body completely and also adopt healthy food habits. 


3. Financial Well being

"Saving is the first expenditure". I learnt this mantra while working with self-help groups. In year 20-- could save 25% of my total income. I have diversified my hard-earned money into different pockets of investment. How much do you spend? And On what do you spend? are very important. I have adopted the minimalist approach to life. I spent only on necessities and the rest of the money I would save. 

1 टिप्पणी:

कांदे पोहे कि सौदेबाजी....की विवाह संस्थेच फाऊंडेशन

 कांदे पोहे कि सौदेबाजी....की विवाह संस्थेच फाऊंडेशन   काही चांगल्या / कमावत्या मुलांची लग्न ठरत नाही मग ती मुलं किंवा त्याच्या घरचे मुलींना...