About us


We (Pravin and Anjali) are social worker by profession. We have been working in the development sector since 2014. Every day we are experiencing different people, institutions, organizations, issues, and development.  www.apaliwritergiri.blogspot.com  is the outcome of our experiences, reading, and knowledge. We started this blog to share our experiences and knowledge.  It contains book summary, movie reviews, social and political developments, gender issues, education development, and issues, etc.

We also have started our podcast for the same purpose. Our podcast Pravin Anjali Show is available on different platforms like google podcast, Hubhopper, Pocket Radio, Breaker, and Spotify. 

podcast link : www.pravinanjalishow.hubhopper.com 

कोणत्याही टिप्पण्‍या नाहीत:

टिप्पणी पोस्ट करा

"अंतिमा" || Antima by Manav Kaul

 "अंतिमा" || Antima by Manav Kaul बाहर खुला नीला आकाश था  और भीतर एक पिंजरा लटका हुआ था |  बाहर मुक्ति का डर था  और भीतर सुरक्षित ...