रविवार, १३ सप्टेंबर, २०२०

Success Begets Success - A Review

Source : Twitter


There is a common thing among the great successful people. It is their habit of reading books. A Book will give you different perception to see the world. Books will shape the attitude and overall personality of readers. Most of the time content of the book has played an essential role in it. Success begets success by Mr Satyanand S. is one of these books which will give the reader a positive mindset without rejecting negative facts of life.  This book is Self-Help or Self-Growth book but has very different and practical contents than so-called Self-Help books. There is no unnecessary claims or over-optimistic thoughts in the book. The author has a practical view on Success as well as Failure. When the author says “Don’t plan anything more than a day. But when you plan, plan it meticulously.” I understood the meaning of success begets success. Pragmatic Success Attitude (PSA) is the USP of this book. It does not force readers to be optimistic but it encourages readers to be as short term pessimistic and a long term optimistic.  The most important thing is that the language of this book. Any beginner can read it.

Book has 3 section, these are

A. Desire

B. Direction

C. Discipline. 

Section A of desire focuses on personal traits like attitude, character, mindsets and self-esteem. This section helps the reader to develop an attitude to be optimistic without neglecting negative facts. Section B of Direction is more about planning and management. It focuses on the Goal settings, Time management and set up a success-oriented routine. Section C of Discipline is about the management of the consequences. It tells that success is not the single day achievement but it’s an outcome of multiple failures provided perfect failure management.

I highly recommended reading this book to have a reality check of your attitude and shape it accordingly. Following is the link of the book. 


५ टिप्पण्या:

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