मंगळवार, ५ मे, २०२०

TUKARAM - Rebellion Saint - Part 2


Indian Society was under tremendous influence of Vedas, Upanishads, and Puranas. Brahmin Varna had command over all religious scriptures. Apart from these scriptures, society was under the dark era of the inhuman provision of Manusmriti. Only Brahmin varna had rights over these scriptures. Shudras were denied rights over Vedas. Listening, Reading and Interpreting Vedas was the domain of Brahmin. If any person other than Brahmin did it, it was considered as a sin. Manusmriti had inhuman punishment to Shudras for Listening, Reading and Interpreting Vedas.  Saint Tukaram had raised whipcord against the system in this dark era. His lines of Abhangas wound the believers of the Varna system. He always made upper caste people unanswered by his poems. In this blog, I explore the Tukaram’s perception towards the prevailing system and rituals
Tukaram was not an ordinary poet. He was a poet who had a proper understanding of social issues and his poems were full of wisdom. He used to conduct kirtans (song use for social awakening) in which he used to raise questions on rituals and exploitative varana system. He used to challenge the knowledge of pundits, (Brahmin scholars).  Tukaram gave candid options to Vedas through his abhanga and kiratanas.

He did not deny the power of word but he oft-quoted that the power of word without wisdom has no use. He was always telling that word should come out from mouth with proper understanding. Without understanding the essence of the word was nothing more than a burden. He fired on Vedic Literal Pundit by comparing them with the bull. He said that the bull was carrying sugar but it never tasted sugar. Literal pundits were like that bull. They were just carrying the burden of words but they never tasted wisdom behind the words. (साकरेच्या गोण्या बैलाचिये पाठी| तपासी सेवती करबाडे||)

Tukaram’s abhngas were whipcord upon the established class. His every line of abhngas were striking against the scholars of words. There were few people who became scholars through by-hearting the shlokas from scriptures. He compared such by-hearted scholars with the horses. One was carrying luggage and the other one was carrying the burden of words. (अर्थेविना पाठांतर कासया करावे| व्यर्थची मरोनी घोकूनिया||  घोकूनिया काय वेगी अर्थ पाहे| अर्थरूप राहे होऊनिया||)

Don’t tell mythology : As he was attacking literal pundits, he also attacked mythology in Puranas. He used to say that "don't tell us mythology without any experience". These stories would give you pleasure to your ears but it would be useless in practical life. Tukaram told mythology was just honor of words and experience was important than words. His Abhangs were thrashing storyteller pundits.(येरांनी सांगावी रेमट कहाणी| चिता रंजवणी कराया|| तुका म्हणे येथे पाहिजे अनुभव| शब्दांचे गौरव कामा नये||)

There were people of that time who were reciting complicated mantras and shlokas from Vedas. Such people were telling bravery stories from mythology. Tukaram, mischievously told such pundits that bravery should be inside. It was not only for discussion or recital. (बोलो जाणे अंगी नाही शूरपण| काय ते वचन जाळावे ते||)

Tukaram’s practical and rational perception of life: Tukaram was practical enough. He was portrayed as an impractical and over-emotional saint by Brahminical Scholars. But his abhangas  are enough to prove his practicality and his rational perception of life. He was sensitized by the grief of people. He had knowledge of social issues, poverty , discrimination and inequality. He also very well aware that listening discourse of any pundit will not give food, it will get only through hard work.(तुका म्हणे काय कहाण्या अरे सांगाल गोष्टी| चाटावे तुमचे बोल रे भुका लागल्या पोटी)

Veda is the most influential factor in Indian Culture. It influence on almost all aspects of Indian society. Impacts of Vedas are positive as well as negative on the followers of Hinduism. It considered as most important scripture of Hinduism.  The literal meaning of Veda is ‘to know’.
Vedas are being preserved by generations through reciting. But as time passes, recital got more importance than the essence of Vedas. Focus had a shift from wisdom to the recital. Vedpraman became shabdpraman
Shudras had no right to read, listen and intemperate Vedas. A large section of the Indian society was away from the Vedas.
The walls of this prison were shaken by the ancient Charvakas.  But the Vedic Pundit defamed him.  Gautama Buddha had rejected the Vedas.  But the Vedas ended their thinking by using various tricks.  Even Tukarams of sensitive minds stood fearlessly in the shadows to free themselves from this prison of the Vedas, and openly cried out, "I am not a slave to your Vedas.” Sant Tukaram realized this fact through his critical thought process. According to Veda, the soul of all is brahma but in reality, Veda becomes a tool of discrimination that was supposed to be a tool of equanimity.  Tukaram, being a shudra, had no rights over Vedas but he did not reject Vedas completely. He knew that intentionally Vedas were kept away from a large section of the society and convenient meaning is taken from Vedas by Vedic Pundit.  While addressing masses, Tukaram suggested that one should drink the essence of Vedas by filtering and keeping discrimination aside. (गाळूनिया भेद| प्रमाण तो ऐसा भेद|| and आहे तैसे बरी | खंडे निवडतो वेदांची||)He was the first saint who openly rebelled against the Varna System. He broke the rule of Manusmriti and comment on Vedas.
Tukaram called “dharmthak” (person who cheat in the name of religion) to those Vedic pundits who used to deceive people and taking the disadvantage of their ignorance. His criticism of the commercialization of Vedas like a thunderbolt to Vedic Pundit. He said that pundits were apparently showing that they had Brahmdnyana but inner side they were thirsty of Money. (मुखे बोले ब्रम्हज्ञान| मनी धनाभिमान||)
Tukaram’s strong rebel against Vedas is the proclamation of intellectual freedom in the social history of India.

कोणत्याही टिप्पण्‍या नाहीत:

टिप्पणी पोस्ट करा

कांदे पोहे कि सौदेबाजी....की विवाह संस्थेच फाऊंडेशन

 कांदे पोहे कि सौदेबाजी....की विवाह संस्थेच फाऊंडेशन   काही चांगल्या / कमावत्या मुलांची लग्न ठरत नाही मग ती मुलं किंवा त्याच्या घरचे मुलींना...